Newsletter – March 2025
Dear Member Friends, I hope this letter finds you all in good spirits and good health. Our Sath Guru, Dr. Umar Alisha, says, “Humanity is Divinity,” and our Peetham’s main Ashram is called the...
Dear Member Friends, I hope this letter finds you all in good spirits and good health. Our Sath Guru, Dr. Umar Alisha, says, “Humanity is Divinity,” and our Peetham’s main Ashram is called the...
Dear Member Friends, How are you all? Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Adhyathmika Peetham conducts an annual meeting on communal harmony on the first Monday of March (4th of March,2024) at Tuni Dargah (Sri Kahen...
Dear Member Friends, I hope you are all doing great by the grace of Swami. Every year in March on the first Monday, honoring Sath Guru Kahene Sha Vali, we conduct a communal harmony...
19 మే 2019 న విశాఖపట్నం లో “మతసామరస్యం – ప్రపంచశాంతి” అనే అంశంపై జ్ఞాన సదస్సు నిర్వహించబడినది. ఈ కార్యక్రమములో 1. పీఠాధిపతి డాక్టర్ ఉమర్ అలీషా గారు – ఆర్ష మరియు సూఫీ ధర్మం, శ్రీ విశ్వ విజ్ఞ్ఞాన విద్యా ఆథ్యాత్మిక పీఠం 2....
Tuni Sabha, 22nd Annual convention 4th March 2019 Communal harmony meet at Tuni Ashram, different religious leaders on the dais ...
Communal harmony and world peace ( A autumn summit for all religions) has been organised at Ravindra Bharathi Auditorium on 2nd Sep 2018 at 10:00am at Hyderabad, Telangana. Presided by Sathguru Dr.Umar Alisha,9th Head...
Tuni Sabha, 21st Annual convention 5th March 2018 Communal harmony meet at Tuni Ashram, different religious leaders on the dais Recorded webcast , on Monday, 5th March 2018 | 09:00am IST – 12:30pm IST. Summary of...
Tuni Sabha , Communal Harmony Meet on the occasion of 20th Annual convention at Sri Kahena Shah Vali’s ( 4th Head) Ashram , Tuni [Not a valid template] Photo Gallery Recorded webcast , on Monday,...
Tuni Sabha , Communal Harmony Meet on the occasion of 19th Annual convention. Sri Kahena Shah Vali’s ( 4th Head) Ashram , Tuni Recorded webcast , on Monday, 7th March 2016 | 09:00am IST...