Newsletter – May 2017

In our Peetham

Sath Guru blesses and A Sadhaka prays for universal peace


Dear Member Friends,

Days are flying fast; hot summer is saying hello to us. SathGuru’s Vaisakha masam tour schedules are released. We are very happy that our Master is visiting all places in A.P and Telangana to bless one and all. What is the significance of this tour? Why he visits all places? He visits to plant seeds of knowledge in the hearts of ignorant masses. Present society is filled with anger, violence, haste, anxiety, stress and uproar. Among nations, religions, regions, races, families, individuals, hatred and ego filled ill feelings are creating havoc in the lives of all. Human heart is a place where pure love, compassion and divinity reside. Owing to circumstances human hearts became lifeless and dry.  Gurudev blesses such insensitive beings with love, light and compassion and then plants seeds of knowledge to eradicate ignorance- The mother of all evils and violence. He also blesses Mother Earth with pure love, light, peace and prosperity. Hence all areas are cleansed and filled with divinity.

What is the role of sadhaka in this tour (Gnana Yagna)?

A sadhaka (Practitioner) has to be open to receive Gurudev’s eternal blessings and at the same time has to pray with pure heart for universal peace and harmony. A prayer changes many things and has the highest power that can move mountains, infuse life in the dead etc., One can never define the power of blessings and sincere prayer. When a sadhaka prays for whole mankind and universe then that sadhaka in turn gets infinite blessings from Gurudev and God as each and every atom is filled with divinity. We are around 11, 00,000 disciples. Imagine if everyone prays, stays in Swami’s aim, the energy waves emanated from prayer will transform the universe and make it as a violence free peaceful world.

A little Squirrel helped Rama to build Rama Sethu (A bridge across the Sethusamudram connecting India and Sri Lanka). Like that we too should participate in this summer Gnana Yagna. All we need to do is to follow the footsteps of SathGuru like a little squirrel and do sadhana.

So, dear all… as everyday is a perfect day for sadhana, do more sadhana and dwell in the abode of all pervading divinity.

Thanking you.

Till next News Letter…

Spiritually yours,

Renuka Devi Vangara

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