Newsletter – March 2025

Dear Member Friends,

I hope this letter finds you all in good spirits and good health.

Our Sath Guru, Dr. Umar Alisha, says, “Humanity is Divinity,” and our Peetham’s main Ashram is called the “Modern Temple of Humanity,” where humanity is our ,m .m religion. This Dharma teaches the omnipresence of God and also reminds us that the human body is a temple of divinity, with God residing within every being. While we may understand this sacred truth intellectually, our hearts often struggle to fully embrace it, as we stand before the closed doors of the temple, never fully seeking to connect with the divine within.

We often say that all humans are equal before God, yet we still divide ourselves based on caste, creed, race, gender, nationality, and social status. If we pause and ask ourselves, “Why do we act this way?” the answer is fear. Fear is what divides us from others and from the divine. It is the most dangerous emotion, preventing us from being open to ourselves, to others, and to God. Fear serves as the root of hatred and violence. When fear intertwines with ego, which is already burdened with six vices, it becomes unpredictable in terms of thoughts, words, and actions. The fear of domination, accusations, financial and social problems, and both defined and undefined frustrations all generate human suffering.

To address this, and to help us transcend fear and rise above it into unity (oneness) and integrity, our Guruji has advised the practice of Universal Sadhana, also known as Thrayee Sadhana. We have discussed this sadhana many times before. Every year, Guruji organizes the Communal Harmony Meet at Tuni on the first Monday of March, where people from all religions and paths come together. The aim is to enlighten all, showing that all paths ultimately lead to the same mighty Lord—the Absolute. Through this, the divisive power of fear is removed from the minds of ignorant souls, revealing the truth: God is one.

The Tuni Ashram holds a special place in the hearts of all our members, as it has the Kahene Sha Vali Dargah, the holy resting place of our fourth Peethadhipathi, Sath Guru Sri Kahene Sha Vali Swamy. History tells us that when Sath Guru’s father passed away at a young age, leaving him without guidance to lead the Peetham, the holy Master Sri Akhailalisha Gurudev appeared to him, both in vision and in reality, and imparted to him the Divine Manthra and Dharma. People say that this Arama (shrine) is a solution for those suffering at all levels. The energy of divinity in this holy place blesses us, and if we practice there, we will experience bliss. The river beneath the samadhi, along with every cell of this sacred space, vibrates and whispers “Anahalak” (SOHAM).

The word is powerful. It shapes, moves, and inspires us. Indeed, we can say that the word is our world. And when that word comes from a realized Sath Guru, it is Veda, Gnana—a divine teaching for us. For generations, the SVVVAPeetham has worked tirelessly to enlighten and unite people through these blessings of wisdom and light.

So, dear Member Friends, let us all come together and attend this great Meet, to listen to the divine words, and to lead a life free of fear—filled with love, light, health, happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Thanking you

Yours spiritually,
Renuka Devi Vangara

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