Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 Sabha – Summary

Krishna Pushkaralu 2016 

Sathguru Dr.Umar Alisha has inaugurated the Sabha by lighting the lamp on the occasion of Krishna Pushkaralu at Vijayawada on 20th Aug 2016

  1. Dr. Turlapati .Kutumbarao explained the history of Peetham and said that the Sathguru.Dr.Umaralisha is awakening the humanity through Social service .
  2. Dr.M.C.Das, Vijayawada said Dr.UmarAlisha is an embodiment of the Humanity. Sathguru is the one who leads us from darkness to cosmic light. Only Devotion to Guru improves individual’s institution. The resistance power of the body towards diseases is increased by the hormone called Endorphin . Listening to good thoughts will increase and improves Endorphin.
  3. Sri.SL.K.PrasadaRao,Hyderabad has explained the importance of Krishna Pushkaralu.
  4. Shri.Datta.Harshita Saraswathi, Spiritual Master, Rushikesh
  5. Smt.Vangara.Renuka organiser expressed the need and importance of Suphi principles to the present Modern society .By surrendering to the Guru through prayers one can stay in Gurus aim.(lakshya)
  6. Sri.Nadipalli.Chandrashekhar ,organiser said that we are very fortunate for being members of this Peetham.
  7. Feliciation: Swamy felicitated  Sri & Smt.Vangara Srinivas rao, Sri & Smt.N.ChandraShekhar and Smt.Renuka.
  8. Prasadam was served to all attended .


Sathguru Dr.Umar Alisha delevered speech.


Disciples attended

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