Newsletter – Aug 2024

Dear Member Friends,

I wish you all a Happy Independence Day

Many countries suffered at the hands of invaders. India, our country, and people had a long history of foreign invaders, and India breathed independently on 15th August 1947. Many known and unknown sacrifices resulted in the form of independence, and now, we have the right to live happily and peacefully. In 507 BC, in Greece, the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system called Demokratia, which means power in the hands of people. That’s the first known democracy. The three philosophers Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu infused the ideas of equality, humanism, freedom, republic, sovereignty, and democracy. Specifically, Voltaire speaks about equality and humanism, and Rousseau is a freedom lover. Montesquieu propounded the theories of division of power, the republic, and the crux of all -the idea of democracy. The thought of democracy is a boon to all freedom lovers. That’s all about the integrity and sovereignty of countries.

Let us now focus on individual beings

What is true freedom?

When a child is born, he is independent and free. He is full of laughter and cheer, and as time passes, many rules and regulations flow into his life regarding dharma, lifestyle, mannerisms, etc. We are conditioned beings in many ways. We cannot breathe free when thoughts are pre-conditioned in a particular way, then fear engulfs every new thought, and we are to follow a defined pattern. Here, we are not telling you to revolt against rules and behave as per one’s wish. The unravelling of the hidden innate potential in a being, pre-learning hinders, and the sadhaka has to unlearn and dive deep into the self to understand the true self.

How is it to understand the inner self and hidden potential?

Sath Guru blessed humans with a sadhana called Thrayee Sadhana, which integrates Mantra Sadhana, Jnana Sadhana, and Dhyana Sadhana. It is specially designed sadhana and can be practised by anyone irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion, age, gender, geographical location, and occupation. This simple and effective sadhana says to recite a mantra of your religion, read a philosophical book, and meditate. In day-to-day life, we have issues, problems, difficulties, and sorrow, and people struggle for survival. In this human yet inhuman jungle, the flow of life is not smooth. Handling life with grace, peace, and cheer is spirituality. By sadhana, sadhaka will understand his hidden talents, unique nature, and purpose of his life and will be at ease with himself and others.

So, dear member friends, let us do more sadhana and become more humane.

Till…! Next News Letter!!!

Yours spiritually

Renuka Devi

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